Standards & Specifications
The Contracts Office ensures that the Department is in full compliance with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
The Contracts Office ensures that the Department is in full compliance with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
The Public Works Design Standards Manual are the current technical requirements for design professionals to prepare plans and reports necessary for development of projects within the City effective March 1, 2022. For complete accessibility of the manual, Google Chrome is the recommended browser.
The Public Works Specifications and Standards were the previous technical requirements, policies, and procedures for use by the design professional, prior to the adoption of the Public Works Design Standards Manual. This document can only be used for "grandfathered" projects as determined by the City's Project Manager.
All Stormwater Management Facility (SWMF) as-built drawings shall include the SWMF as-built chart that provides data needed for inspection and maintenance, MS4 permit compliance, and facility details.
Public Works has developed amendments to the 2016 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications and Standards for the design and construction of Capital Improvement Projects. In addition to the City's Amendments, Public Works has developed mandatory specifications and supplemental specifications.
The bid documents for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects managed by the Department of Public Works include the specific project plans and project manual. The following documents are required for the project manual: