Sand Fence Installation Guidelines
These guidelines provide a framework that allows for modest installation of sand fencing while complying with the City’s agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and preserving public access.
These guidelines provide a framework that allows for modest installation of sand fencing while complying with the City’s agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and preserving public access.
The recreational beach easement agreement prohibits the installation of sand fence or any other encroachment onto the recreational beach easement (other than 5’ for access stairs and toe protection at bulkheads) to:
Due to community requests to install and utilize sand fencing as a means to control windblown sand, City staff drafted a set of guidelines that would allow the installation of sand fences for this purpose while preserving the intent of the easement agreement in regards to encroachments and public access.
These guidelines were drafted in consultation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The guidelines establish sand fence installation criteria for length, spacing and orientation.
The City of Virginia Beach’s policy now allows for installation of sand fencing in areas where dune formation is feasible and in areas where existing dunes have been damaged. Sand fencing may be installed in accordance with the following guidelines without the need for a separate permit.
If installed improperly and not maintained, sand fences can pose a risk to public safety, impede public access and use of the recreational beach, hinder emergency vehicle and beach maintenance access at times of high tide.
Improperly installed sand fences can also trap or endanger sea turtles, their nests, or hatchlings. The City reserves the right to remove any sand fencing that is hazardous or deemed to be contrary to the public interest.
These guidelines apply only to the installation of sand fences and does not apply to other activities such as the removal of sand, depositing of sand or grading a dune/beach which would require a permit.
The Sand Management Permit Application and other Waterfront/Wetland permit applications and information can be found on the Planning & Community Development website.
Sand fencing must be places as far landward as possible to avoid interference with sea turtle nesting, public access, and use of the beach.
Landward end of sand fencing must tie into an existing bulkhead, property line, easement line or established dunes.
Sand fencing must be installed at a 45-degree or greater angle to the shoreline.
Each section of fence must not be longer than 10 feet and sections must be spaced at least 7 feet apart. (Once 50% of the fence height and length has been covered by sand, an additional row of fencing can be installed offset 5 feet within the existing row of fencing.)
Sand fencing shall only be allowed within 20 horizontal feet of the property or easement line. No sand fencing shall be allowed outside this 20 foot zone.
A minimum horizontal distance of 100 feet shall be maintained between the seaward limit of the sand fencing and mean high water (MHW).
The fencing must be no taller than 5 feet and built from evenly spaced, thin, wooden, vertical slats connected with twisted wire.
Sand fences must not be installed within 20 feet of a public beach access.
Sand fences must be installed without the use of mechanical equipment.
No grading or pushing up of sand is allowed.
If sand fence becomes loose, broken or deemed to be hazardous, it must be removed or repaired.
If sand fence becomes exposed by high tides or erosion, it must be removed.
Existing sand fence that extends more than 20 feet into the public beach shall be removed back to within 20 feet.
Should shoreline erosion cause the horizontal distance between sand fencing and MHW to decrease to less than 100 feet, sand fencing shall be removed to the extent necessary to maintain the 100-foot minimum distance.
If sand fencing is not installed in accordance with these guidelines, it must be removed and/or reinstalled in full compliance.