Traffic Count Data
Traffic count data provides a “snapshot in time” of how many vehicles utilize a roadway at a specific point. This data assists in decision making for project and service delivery.
Traffic count data provides a “snapshot in time” of how many vehicles utilize a roadway at a specific point. This data assists in decision making for project and service delivery.
The City of Virginia Beach utilizes MS2, a Transportation Data Management System, as their traffic count database.
The volume listed represents an estimate of traffic counted in both directions and developed from 24-hour counts taken during weekdays (mostly Tuesdays – Thursdays) and are shown as average daily traffic (ADT) annual average daily traffic (AADT). Listed ADT numbers are raw volumes that are not adjusted for seasonal or other variations.
Data collection techniques and the statistical evaluation process used may differ which may lead to misleading comparisons between years.
The City makes every effort to provide valid and current information, but makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, about the validity of the information and cannot be held responsible for errors in this data.
The data made available on MS2 is posted for informational purposes only and may be used to aid in the efficient dissemination of traffic information for engineering purposes.
Users agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Virginia Beach as well as its employees of any liability whatsoever which may develop by users' review and use of this data.
Users are responsible to be knowledgeable of the character and limitations associated with traffic data if used in engineering work and thereby its responsible use in the same.
The data contained within MS2 is periodically updated. Users are responsible for being aware of any updates and incorporating updated data as may be appropriate for their work.
First time users are encouraged to review the Helpful Traffic Count Database System User Tips or the Traffic Count Database System User Guide.
By accessing the MS2 traffic count database or ADT counts, users accept the terms stipulated above.