
Stormwater Engineering Center

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Princess Anne Plaza North London Bridge Creek Pump Station

Design, acquisition, and construction of a tide gate, stormwater pump station, and flood barriers along London Bridge Creek at the South Lynnhaven Road crossing.

The Lakes South London Bridge Creek Channels & Gate

Design, acquisition, and construction of channels and a tide gate along the Lakes and Green Run canals and along London Bridge Creek immediately south of and adjacent to the Lynnhaven Parkway crossing.

The Lakes Flood Barriers

Put flood barriers in place to stop runoff, high tides, and surge from spilling into The Lakes-Princess Anne Plaza basin.

  • North of the channels and tide gate, there are two (2) potential alignments for the proposed flood barriers:
    • One utilizes the center of Lynnhaven Parkway as the alignment and creates flood barriers by raising the existing grade as needed to the Design Flood Elevation.
  • The other option has the barriers running along the west side of Lynnhaven Parkway and includes a combination of earthen berms, retaining walls, and intersection adjustments to create the flood barriers. This option utilizes the existing landscape berm along portions of the west side of Lynnhaven Parkway. The proposed flood barrier alignment south of the channels and tide gate is along the west side of the Green Run Canal and includes a combination of earthen berms and retaining walls.

The Lakes – Holland Road Gate

Construction of a flood control gate on the west side of Holland Road at The Lakes canal crossing and storm drainpipe improvements in the Chimney Hill subdivision.

Windsor Woods Flood Barriers

  • Create earthen berms and concrete walls with sheet pile cut-offs (as needed) around the pump station and parallel to Thalia Creek and along South Boulevard.
  • The barrier along South Boulevard will ultimately tie into the natural ground on the eastern and western ends.
  • The barriers will be built to a top elevation of 10.5 feet (at the gate structure and within 100 feet of the gate) and the remainder of the barriers to elevations of 9.5 feet to provide tidal protection to FEMA's 100-year flood elevation.

Windsor Woods Pump Station

Construction of a stormwater pump station in the vicinity of Lake Windsor and South Boulevard.

Windsor Woods Thalia Creek / Lake Trashmore Improvements

  • Construction of culverts between Lake Trashmore and Thalia Creek.
  • Channel improvements along Thalia Creek between Lake Trashmore and Lake Windsor.

Windsor Woods Tide Gate

Design and construction of a tide gate across Thalia Creek in the vicinity of Lake Windsor and an adjacent interim pump.

Windsor Woods Drainage

Design, acquisition, and construction of drainage improvements along Rosemont Road, South Plaza Trail, and Old Forge Road. Improvements include new storm drainpipes, new drainage inlets, and catch basins, and a new stormwater pond on the Bow Creek Golf Course.