Eastern Shore Drive Drainage Improvement
Extensive drainage improvements are planned for the area surrounding eastern Shore Drive, from First Landing Park to Lynnhaven Inlet.
Extensive drainage improvements are planned for the area surrounding eastern Shore Drive, from First Landing Park to Lynnhaven Inlet.
It is anticipated that the improvements will include upgraded systems of pipes and inlets to collect stormwater runoff, deepening and widening of the Cape Henry Canal, stormwater pump stations, automated tide gates and elevated roadways.
This area was originally developed without a comprehensive stormwater management system (pipes, outfalls, etc.), and as a result, has been impacted by repetitive street flooding during rainfall events over the years. Infill development has increased the basin’s imperviousness, and has worsened the situation.
In addition, a large portion of the developed drainage basin is relatively low in elevation and is subjected to tidal inundation during storm events with higher tides. The inadequate stormwater system and the impacts of direct tidal inundation combine to increase the cost and complexity of improvements for the drainage basin.
Extensive drainage improvements are planned for the area surrounding eastern Shore Drive, from First Landing Park on the east to Lynnhaven Inlet on the west. The ultimate drainage service area extends to the north and south of Shore Drive to serve surrounding neighborhoods.