Purpose of the Project
This project is for the design and construction of the 17th Street Regional Stormwater Management Facility (RSWMF), located on the south side of 17th Street (Virginia Beach Boulevard) between Seabridge Road and King Street.
The project is being constructed to provide stormwater management, both water quality treatment and quantity management, to address flooding of streets, for the future redevelopment of the 17th Street corridor between North Birdneck Road and Park Avenue within the service area of the facility.
The project includes improvements to the stormwater system along 17th Street east to Washington Avenue and additional improvements to the east and west of the new facility to redirect stormwater to the proposed stormwater pond. This wet pond, a Virginia Best Management Practice Clearinghouse Level 2, will remove nutrients, sediment, and bacteria from stormwater prior to being discharged to Rudee Inlet. The project also includes the construction of a multi-use path connecting 17th Street to the public path along Norfolk Avenue.
Quick Facts