Purpose of the Project
The City will make improvements to Chatham Hall Lake, which will enhance its ability to remove pollutants from the stormwater that drains to the lake. Water quality improvements, such as the Chatham Hall Lake Project, are required as part of the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Phase I Permit.
The MS4 permit helps to protect local waterways and prevent pollution, particularly in impaired waters, such as the Elizabeth River and Chesapeake Bay.
How the Project Achieves Purpose
The following features will be incorporated into the project to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff draining from residential properties, commercial properties, and local roadways to the lake:
- Aeration system to improve oxygen levels that support aquatic life.
- Pre-treatment areas to allow silt, debris, and other pollutants to settle out of the water before it reaches the lake.
- Wetland areas to promote sedimentation, allow natural plant uptake of phosphorus and nitrogen, and encourage healthy biological activity.
Quick Facts