Project Status

Current Status & Next Steps

As of September 2024, the project has initiated design and is around 20% complete. Construction is planned to begin in April 2027 and is expected to be completed in November 2028. The project is funded by Capital Improvement Project (CIP) 100642.

Purpose of the Project

The pollutant reduction achieved by this project will be applied toward the implementation of the City's local phosphorus total maximum daily load action plan.

How the Project Improves Water Quality

This project includes the design and construction of water quality improvements at Providence Park to construct a stormwater wet pond and drainage improvements. These water quality improvements will reduce nutrients, sediment, and bacteria from stormwater discharging to the Elizabeth River and the Chesapeake Bay. Drainage improvements included with the project will reduce flooding at the VDOT Traffic Operations Center and surrounding area. The project will also incorporate public education aspects and amenities for residents visiting the park.

Quick Facts

Project Cost







Project Schedule


June 2024 to August 2026


April 2027 to February 2029

Project Pollutant Removal Benefits

Total phosphorus removal:

47 pounds per year

Total nitrogen removal:

147 pounds per year