Purpose of the Project
Stormwater collects loose soil, trash, debris, and excess nutrients as it flows over the ground to the excess nutrients as it flows over the ground to the stormwater system, which is ultimately discharged to Virginia Beach rivers and bays.
To help reduce pollution from stormwater runoff, the City constructs stormwater management facilities that remove pollutants before they reach our waterways. The project will improve water quality in the North Landing River. The pollutant removal benefits will be applied toward the City's requirements for the total maximum daily load.
How the Project Achieves Purpose
The City evaluated three manufactured treatment device (MTD) types and associated life-cycle costs. A filtering treatment devise was selected as the preferred option to move forward with design. The filtering MTD is an underground structure that uses a series of filters to remove and trap sediment, nutrients, and debris, allowing cleaner water to continue through the stormwater system.
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