Stormwater Regulations
Public Works oversees a comprehensive program to prevent stormwater pollution that can flow directly into our local waterways from the City’s stormwater system.
Stormwater Management Regulatory Division
Virginia Relay TTY
Public Works oversees a comprehensive program to prevent stormwater pollution that can flow directly into our local waterways from the City’s stormwater system.
Stormwater Management Regulatory Division
Virginia Relay TTY
The MS4 permit has been reissued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and is effective from January 26, 2024 through January 25, 2029. The most significant new requirement in this permit is to meet 100 percent of the pollutant reduction requirements associated with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL by June 30, 2028. The City’s progress towards the required 100 percent reductions is included in the MS4 Permit Annual Reports.
The City implements the activities associated with the MS4 permit in accordance with the MS4 Program Plan. The City submits annual reports documenting progress in implementing the requirements of the permit.
View PermitThe City is regulated under a stormwater permit issued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality which allows the City to discharge stormwater from its municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) directly into local waterways.
Under this permit, the City must implement a series of programs intended to reduce pollutants entering the City’s stormwater system and thereby protecting (and improving) the water quality in the City's waterways. These programs include:
Constructing stormwater management projects that improve water quality
Implementing an erosion and sediment control program for construction sites
Implementing a stormwater management program to control runoff from development areas
Maintaining and operating City-owned facilities, roads, and parking lots to minimize polluted runoff
Controlling the storage and application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer at City facilities and on City property to minimize polluted runoff
Locating and eliminating illicit discharges and improper disposal into the storm sewer system
Inspecting sanitary sewers to prevent leaks into the storm sewer system
Developing and implementing a program to reduce floatable trash in waterways
Implementing programs to prohibit the disposal of used motor vehicle fluids, household hazardous waste, sanitary sewage, grass clippings, leaf litter, and animal wastes into the storm sewers
Coordinating with the Fire Department and other City departments to prevent, contain, and respond to spills that may discharge pollutants into the storm sewer system
Identifying polluted stormwater discharges from industrial and high-risk facilities
Inspecting, operating, and maintaining the storm sewer system and all City-owned stormwater management facilities
Implementing a program to ensure that privately-owned stormwater management facilities are maintained and inspected regularly
Mapping the storm sewer system including each outfall and the area draining to the storm sewer system
Controlling polluted stormwater runoff from all City-owned properties with good housekeeping and pollution prevention measures
Developing and implementing a public education plan to minimize pollutants in stormwater runoff
Conducting stormwater training for municipal employees
Coordinating with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) where the City's storm sewer is interconnected with VDOT's storm sewer
Developing and implementing action plans to reduce pollutants and excess nutrients from entering the Chesapeake Bay and other waterbodies with TMDLs