Stormwater Utility Fee Discount
The Stormwater Utility Fee Adjustment Program allows for a discount of up to 50 percent for qualifying properties.
Stormwater Management Regulatory Division
Virginia Relay TTY
The Stormwater Utility Fee Adjustment Program allows for a discount of up to 50 percent for qualifying properties.
Stormwater Management Regulatory Division
Virginia Relay TTY
The stormwater utility funds three major types of activities to manage the City’s stormwater system. Select commercial, industrial and multi-family residential properties with on-site stormwater management facilities (SWMFs) may quality for a discount on their stormwater utility fee.
The City of Virginia Beach offers a stormwater utility fee adjustment program to help save up to 50% on Stormwater Utility Fees. Faith-based organizations, commercial properties, industrial properties, and private multi-family residential properties that have one or more functional on-site stormwater management facilities may be eligible for the fee adjustment.
Property owners may also be eligible for a fee adjustment by reducing impervious area (e.g., converting impervious pavement to vegetated surface).
To be considered for a fee reduction, property owners must:
Once approved, property owners must continue to ensure proper continuous facility maintenance to attest to the stormwater management facility's (SWMF’s) proper operation and functionality; the city will also continue to provide the required regular inspections in accordance with the city’s ordinance.
Fact sheets for information on best practices to properly maintain some common stormwater management facility types and troubleshoot any potential issues can be found on the stormwater management facilities webpage.
For questions regarding stormwater utility fee billing, please contact Public Utilities at pustormwater@vbgov.com. To calculate stormwater fees due at closing, please use the stormwater fee query tool.