Curbside Services
Curbside services include weekly trash collection, every other week recycling collection, bulky/large item pick-up, yard debris pick-up and yard debris container rentals.
Curbside services include weekly trash collection, every other week recycling collection, bulky/large item pick-up, yard debris pick-up and yard debris container rentals.
Curbside services include much more than your weekly trash (black cart) collection! Trash collection occurs weekly, recycling collection occurs every other week, yard debris collection occurs weekly, large/bulky items can be scheduled for pick-up as needed, and yard debris containers can be rented!
Trash and recycling are collected curbside in 95-gallon containers that may be purchased from the Public Works Waste Management Group.
Trash carts may be purchased from the Public Works Waste Management Group for $75.00 each to residents who receive City-provided curbside services. It is recommended that residents label carts with their address.
Recycling carts are provided free of charge to residents who receive City-provided curbside services. It is recommended that residents label carts with their address.
All carts come with a 10-year limited warranty and have a serial number which should be recorded in a safe place to coordinate warranty service, if needed. The warranty does not cover fire damage or theft. Damaged carts that are under warranty will be repaired free of charge upon request and warranty coverage confirmation.
Carts can be purchased by credit card or check/money order made payable to “Treasurer, City of Virginia Beach”.
Cart requests can be made by email at wastemgt@vbgov.com over the phone by calling (757) 385-4650, or in person at the Customer Service Office located at 3024 Holland Road (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m-5 p.m., closed from 12:30pm-1:30pm for lunch).