Customer Service
Our Customer Service staff are available to help you coordinate service or address any concerns or issues you experience.
Our Customer Service staff are available to help you coordinate service or address any concerns or issues you experience.
Customer Service staff are available in-person, by email, or by phone to assist you with a variety of activities:
Setting up curbside services for a new residence or requesting new trash or recycling carts if the prior homeowner didn’t leave them.
Assistance with trash or recycling repair, replacement or warranty.
Reporting a missed curbside pick-up of trash, recycling, bulky/large items or yard debris.
Scheduling a bulky/large item pick-up.
Coordinating the rental of a yard debris container.
Facility locations, directions, and hours of operations.
Answering questions about services provided by of policies of the Public Works Waste Management Group.
Addressing concerns about services, staff or operations.
Please report any curbside service-related concerns on your collection day or by noon the following business day so they can be addressed in a timely manner.
For general inquiries about the Public Works Waste Management Group, curbside services, holiday schedules, waste collection & disposal fees, recycling or carts, please contact the Waste Management Customer Service staff by phone at (757) 385-4650 or email at wastemgt@vbgov.com.
For inquiries about the Landfill and Resource Recovery Center and household hazardous waste, please contact staff by phone at (757) 385-1980 or email at wastemgt@vbgov.com.
Bulky/large item pick-up requests can also be submitted online.
The Waste Collection and Disposal fee is $30.55 per month in accordance with the City of Virginia Beach Code of Ordinances – Chapter 31, Article II, Section 31-39. The fee is billed on a monthly basis as part of the City Services Bill that also contains charges for wastewater, sewer, stormwater utility fees, and water.
The Public Works Waste Management Group is an enterprise fund, or self-supporting fund, that provides services to the public for a fee and the fee funds the operation providing the services. Tax revenue is not utilized to support services provided by the Public Works Waste Management Group.
Resident services covered by the fee include:
The fee also covers operational costs such as: