Purpose of the Project
The Independence Boulevard and Wakefield Drive/Paul Revere Road traffic signal will provide enhanced operations and safety for motorists. It will also provide safe pedestrian and cyclist connectivity across Independence Boulevard for nearby residents and members of the Independence Middle School community.
History of the Project
This project was initiated by the Thoroughgood neighborhood civic league in 2018 when they asked the City to evaluate the Independence Boulevard and Wakefield Drive/Paul Revere Road intersection to address operational and safety concerns. Subsequently, Public Works’ Traffic Engineering Division evaluated the intersection and recommended installation of a traffic signal.
This recommendation was based on a traffic study which evaluated the following options:
- No build.
- Closed median.
- Restricted left turn movements from the side streets.
- A signalized intersection.
The signalized intersection was the least impactful option that met the purpose and need for the project. The recommendation was presented to the stakeholders, and the project was paused pending additional analysis.
The traffic study was updated in 2022 and again in 2024. Based on updated traffic data, the original recommendation to install the traffic signal remains the recommended option.
Anticipated Schedule