Trash Collection
Curbside trash collection (black carts) occurs weekly on a designated day determined by your address. Use the “Find My Trash Day” tool on this page to determine what your collection day is.
Curbside trash collection (black carts) occurs weekly on a designated day determined by your address. Use the “Find My Trash Day” tool on this page to determine what your collection day is.
Black trash carts should be placed curbside between 5 p.m. the day prior to your scheduled collection day and 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day.
There should be at least three feet of clearance on all sides of the container (between the container and other containers, yard waste, limbs, bulky items, mailboxes, cable boxes, vehicles, etc.).
Cart lids should be able to close securely. Overflowing carts will not be collected.
Trash should be bagged before being placed in the cart to help reduce litter.
All trash must be inside the cart. No trash or other items, with the exception of yard waste or a bulky/large item that has been scheduled for pick-up, will be collected.
Carts should be removed from the curbside and placed out of public view by the end of your scheduled collection day.
Remodeling and building materials
Rocks, dirt, concrete and/or gravel
Vehicle parts (including tires and rims)
Paint cans
Propane tanks
Hot ashes
Flammable liquids
Rechargeable batteries
Rechargeable devices
Hazardous materials (chemicals, solvents, and/or paint)
These materials may be unsafe to dispose of in the trash and increase collection and disposal costs because of their weight. Schedule a bulky/large item pick-up for eligible items or drop them off at the Landfill and Resource Recovery Center.
Residents who are unable to physically bring their cart to the curbside should contact customer service by email wastemgt@vbgov.com or phone at (757) 385-4650 to coordinate courtesy service.
Please report an issue with your cart or any service concerns or problems on your collection day or by noon the following business day by email at wastemgt@vbgov.com or phone at (757) 385-4650 for timely resolution.