Landfill & Resource Recovery Center
The Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center offers a range of disposal and recycling services following strict environmental standards for residents.
The Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center offers a range of disposal and recycling services following strict environmental standards for residents.
Due to the high volume of vehicles and material entering our landfill, residents can expect delays.
Beginning Friday, December 6, 2024, Waste Management will no longer allow trailers hauling landscaping equipment (lawnmowers, blowers, weed eaters, etc.) access to the City’s Landfill.
Due to an unexpected equipment shortage, services at the Landfill and Resource Recovery Center may be delayed.
The City’s Landfill & Resource Recovery Center is open to all Virginia Beach residents and offers a wide variety of disposal options for everything from household waste to household hazardous waste.
This facility houses the landfill, which is used to dispose of household waste, and the Resource and Recovery Center (which includes the household hazardous waste disposal program) which is used for traditional recycling (like cardboard, plastics, and glass), alternative recycling (electronics, metals, tires, concrete), and safe disposal of household hazardous waste (batteries, appliances with freon/refrigerant, paint, aerosols).
In order to provide a safe environment for residents and Landfill and Resource Recovery Center operators and staff, the following rules and regulations are in effect. In addition, the City of Virginia Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 31 is applicable to all Landfill and Resource Recovery Center guests and employees.
The following items are not accepted at the landfill:
Landfill & Resource Recovery Center
Hours: 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday