In response to residents' concerns, the City is evaluating environmental conditions at Lake Bradford and Great Neck Lake that can affect water quality. 

The main environmental conditions that can affect growth of aquatic weeds, algae, and the health of aquatic life include the depth of the water and specific water quality parameters. The City has partnered with Old Dominion University Research Foundation to conduct an evaluation that includes:

  • Measuring the depth of the water
  • Measuring the depth of the accumulated lake sediment
  • Analyzing specific constituents in the sediment
  • Analyzing specific water quality parameters


Water depth: The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality standards for pond depth is a minimum of 4 feet. This depth promotes healthy water quality conditions by moderating temperature fluctuations throughout the day, especially during warmer temperatures. The City requires a minimum depth of 5 feet in ponds and lakes. In addition, the City implements a lake management maintenance dredging program to remove accumulated sediment.

Water depth can impact water quality and aquatic health as it relates to dissolved oxygen. Because of the shallow water, an autonomous surface vessel will be used to measure the water depth using a single beam echosounder to create a map for each lake. 

Sediment measurement: As part of the depth evaluation, the thickness of the accumulated sediment on the bottom of the lakes will be measured to estimate the amount of sediment that can be removed through maintenance dredging. This information may also be used to estimate potential dredging costs.

Ground-penetrating radar will be used to create a map of sediment thickness, and a portable coring platform will retrieve sediment cores for subsequent textural analysis.

Water quality measurements: Surface water samples will be collected and analyzed for indicators of aquatic health and potential for algae blooms. Parameters include dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature. This data will be analyzed to determine if it's within normal ranges.

Schedule & Cost

The cost of the study is $60,000 and the work started in May 2023. The water depth survey maps were completed in September 2023 and are posted in the results section below. The results of the sediment survey and cores analysis will be completed in January 2024. 

The original project schedule was delayed as a result of logistical challenges with lily pads, shallow waters, and weather conditions that impacted the survey schedule.

Lake Information

Both Lake Bradford and Great Neck Lake are located within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.


​Lake Bradford

​Great Neck Lake


​Stormwater Drainage Basin

​Lake Bradford

Little Creek

​Great Neck Lake

​Eastern Lynnhaven River


​Watershed (Hydrologic Unit Code)

​Lake Bradford

​Lower Chesapeake Bay - Little Creek (CB26)

​Great Neck Lake

​Lynnhaven River (CB25)


​Council District

​Lake Bradford

​District 9

​Great Neck Lake

District 8​


​Drainage Area (acres)

​Lake Bradford


​Great Neck Lake



​Percent Impervious within Drainage Area

​Lake Bradford


​Great Neck Lake



​Water Surface Area (acres)

​Lake Bradford


​Great Neck Lake




​Lake Bradford

​Privately owned/City maintenance of structures

​Great Neck Lake

​Privately owned/City maintenance of structures


​Neighborhood Establishment Date

​Lake Bradford


​Great Neck Lake

Early 1960s​