Project Status

Current Status & Next Steps

The project is currently at the interim design stage with the design expected to be complete by June 2026. This project is funded by Capital Improvement Project (CIP) 100671.

Purpose of the Project

The lake improvements will help remove pollutants from stormwater runoff discharged to the lake, and the pollutant removal benefits will be credited toward the City's requirement under the North Landing River phosphorus total maximum daily load.

How the Project Improves Water Quality

This project is being done in coordination with Parks & Recreation to utilize park property and enhance park amenities. The project will expand and improve the pond at Brigadoon Park and add park improvements that include a walking path and a fitness station. 

The pond will include features that have been determined to effectively remove sediment and nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen from stormwater. The facility will also provide other ecological benefits for wildlife by providing them a habitat.

Quick Facts

Project Cost







Project Schedule


September 2024 to June 2026


May 2027 to January 2029

Project Pollutant Removal Benefits

Total phosphorus removal:

49 pounds per year