Current Status & Next Steps

As of January 2024, the project design and site acquisition has been completed. This project is funded by Capital Improvement Project (CIP) 100567 and a Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) grant.

Purpose of the Project

This project is located at the intersection of Witchduck Road and Interstate 264. The Elizabeth River is listed by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as impaired for aquatic life and fish consumption. This project will support the City's compliance requirement for pollutant reductions for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and improvements to local water quality associated with the Elizabeth River.

How the Project Improves Water Quality

The project will include the creation of two new sediment forebay areas using steel sheeting that are designed to help capture sediment and other stormwater pollutants before they enter the main body of the lake. 

The project will also establish new wetland areas to also support stormwater pollutant reductions through natural processes of the plants and provide stabilization along the northern bank to fix and prevent eroded side slopes. Plantings will be maximized in the remaining project area. The northern and southeastern planting areas are shown in the adjacent figure.

Quick Facts

Project Cost







Total Project Cost


Project Schedule


July 2016 to April 2024


February 2018 to December 2023


January 2025 to August 2026

Grants Awarded

Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF):


Project Pollutant Removal Benefits

Total phosphorus removal:

236 pounds per year

Total nitrogen removal:

911 pounds per year

Total suspended solids removal:

37,000 pounds per year