Project Status

Current Status & Next Steps

As of October 2024, the full design effort has started and is scheduled to be completed in January 2027. The project design is funded by Capital Improvement Project (CIP) 100391.

Purpose of the Project

The project will retrofit an existing volume control pond by adding a forebay and manufactured treatment device for pre-treatment, new wetland areas, and aeration to improve downstream water quality. The retrofit improvements will reduce pollutants from stormwater runoff before entering North Landing River. This project supports the implementation of the City’s Local Total Maximum Daily (TMDL) Phosphorus Action Plan.

How the Project Achieves Purpose

The following features will be incorporated into the project to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff draining from residential properties and local roadways to the pond:

  • Forebay and MTD to pre-treat stormwater runoff and allow silt, debris, and other pollutants to settle out of the water before it reaches the lake.
  • Wetland areas to promote sedimentation, allow natural plant uptake of phosphorus and nitrogen, and encourage healthy biological activity.
  • Aeration system to improve oxygen levels that support aquatic life.

Quick Facts

Project Cost



Site Acquisition:


Private Utility Adjustment:




Project Schedule


September 2024 to January 2027

Site Acquisition:

January 2027 to November 2027

Private Utility Adjustment:

November 2027 to November 2028


April 2033 to April 2035

Project Pollutant Removal Benefits

Total phosphorus removal:

41 pounds per year